Wednesday 11 March 2009

Gaji Polisi dinaikan, semoga tidak ada lagi "uang bungkam"

Bulan depan, Polisi akan menerima kenaikan gaji.

tarting next month, police officers will enjoy a significant increase in their salary aimed at boosting their performance serving the public.

National police chief Gen. Bambang Hendarso Danuri announced Tuesday that the increase was expected to impact on around 50 percent of police officers’ salaries.

A team of experts was deliberating the proposed pay rise and would make a decision soon, he said.

“God willing we will likely see welfare improve for police starting this April,” Bambang said on the sidelines of a meeting with media executives.

“Up to this date we still have limited information on how much a police brigadier will get when the increase comes into effect later on.”

Data shows that a police officer with brigadier rank, for example, currently receives a monthly salary of around Rp 2 million and a first inspector gets Rp 3.5 million per month, while police generals each receive between Rp 15 million and Rp 19 million.

Sesuai dengan data bahwa seorang polisi dengan pangkat brigadir mendapat gaji bulanan sebesar 2 juta dan seorang inspektor mendapat 3,5 juta, sementara masing polisi berpangkat jenderal memperoleh Rp 15 juta sampai dengan 19 juta.

(Belum termasuk uang lauk-pauk sebesar Rp 25 ribu per hari)

Bambang said the planned increase was part of a police internal reform program launched several weeks ago.

The so-called “Quick Wins program” was aimed at improving police performance by responding quicker to those requiring assistance from the law.

“I continuously receive reports on the improvements being made by officers in many regions. I really hope that it will be the beginning for police to perform better in public,” he said.

However, Bambang said he was not sure whether the pay rise would significantly reduce the illegal practises police officers regularly engage in.

He said the police force would be pushing for internal reforms to fight such practices.

The business community named the police force as the most corrupt institution in Indonesia in a recent survey released by Transparency International Indonesia (TII).

The study showed 48 percent of respondents admitted to paying an average of Rp 2.2 million (US$200) when bribing police officers.

However, the pay rise was criticized by an expert on police affairs from the University of Indonesia, Adrianus Meliala.

He said the plan was not designed in conjunction with thorough evaluation of the police’s internal reform program. “The fact is that police seem hesitant to conduct a thorough evaluation. Up until this point, I still see many loopholes in their internal reform plans.”.
Among those loopholes, he said, was that there were too many posts with no clear objectives and tasks.

According to a recent study, there are at least 2,000 posts for middle ranking officers that do not have clear objectives or outcomes.

“It could put the whole internal reform program in danger as these posts result in nothing but a waste of talent. The police chiefs should pay serious attention to this matter or else the internal reforms will be useless,” Adrianus said.

One more problem, he said, was that police to did not have a clear system of parameters by which to measure the performance of its

“Almost all rank movements within the police force are made based on the subjectivity of senior officers toward their juniors. So what is the point of increasing one’s incentive or even salary if there is no organizational reform as well?” he said.